Formative Assessment and Feedback


Research Question:
Your research question is clear and sets up a very intriguing proposition for a final project. Your
wording could be tightened a little bit in order to open up the scope of your enquiry. By starting the
question with the word “Can”, a straightforward yes or no response is likely to emerge from your
research. Instead, you could rephrase the question in such a way that the outcome is less definite
and will lead to a more nuanced set of results. This might be as simple as placing the word “How” at
the very beginning. Play with different ways to express this.

Aim / Objective / Purpose:
Your primary aim is solid but it might be worth starting to unpack some of the constituent meanings
of terms such as “identity”. Each of your objectives are relevant and carefully thought through — they
will give you a good foundation from which to set up your enquiry. However, some of these objectives
are a little undefined and would benefit from being reworked in order to set up a more specific
research path. Your objectives are also primarily theoretical and it might be worth thinking about how
primary research processes, such as location-based activities in Great Yarmouth, will come into play.

Target Audience:
The audiences that you speak about have been clearly defined and spoken about with clarity. It might
have been useful to explore examples of other similar projects that have been undertaken in the past
and which have been aimed towards similar demographics. Reflect on how to engage with these
audiences and explore the strategies that have been used to target them.
Written submission:
As this is a personal creative project that will emerge out of a range of primary research activities, it
makes sense for you to write a more academically oriented report. Look in the library for examples of
past post-graduate humanities dissertations or PhD’s that engage with similar subjects. It’s worth
doing this at an early stage so that you have an idea of what you’re aiming towards from the outset.

The decision to format your critical path as a research plan is well-considered and appropriate. This
page offers you a very useful set of thresholds to have in mind as you move ahead with the research.
It might be useful to draft this as a Gantt chart in order to have a clearer set of dates aligned with your
research targets.

Ethical Considerations:
You have stated that you will be working with human participants and interviewees in this study. Be
careful to stick to University guidelines and protocols and seek advice if there are any specific
aspects of these research approaches that you’re not sure about.

Notes on feedback

Key Points

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