Forward Planning

From the literature and supporting materials online, it appears that this project is what we want to make of it from here on in. While that represents an exciting challenge it also opens up the opportunity for procrastination, mind blanks and lack of direction. For that reason, I researched a number of project management tools and decided on the use of a Gantt Chart.

“The concept was first developed around the turn of the 19th Century by American Henry L. Gantt, who, working with a colleague Frederick Taylor devised a method of describing production planning and resource loading for factories and workshops. In truth, the first ‘Gantt charts’ were more like tables than charts, though this was one of the first instances of the deliverable-vs-time concept.”

Tim Lyons, “A brief history of Gantt charts”

My Gantt Chart

The below shows my own Gannt chart. It is to be treated as a live document which will be updated throughout the course to show how my time was used. It will also be valuable in terms of evaluation and ensuring that my time is best spent moving forward.

Amends and Additions

This is a place to take notes about the above Gannt chart and how it evolves throughout the MA Project.

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